

Word/ overgrown
Context/ Are you a great overgrown dwarf that has cut off its beard?
Definition/covered with plants that have been allowed to grow wild and have not been controlled
Example/ an overgrown path, The garden's completely overgrown with weeds.

Word/ Dwarf
Context/ same as above
Definition/(in stories) a creature like a small man,who has magic powers and who is usually described as living and working under the ground, especially working with metal

Context/I see you are an idiot
Definition/a person with very low intelligence who cannot think or behave normally
Example/ When I lost my passport, I felt such an idiot.

Context/ Did you come to enter my dominions?
Definition/(formal)an area controlled by one ruler
Example/ the vast dominions of the Chinese Empire

Context/This may wreck all.
Definition/to damage or destroy something
Example/ The weather wrecked all our plans.

Context/ Edmund full in the face, her eyes flaming
Definition/ full of anger
Example/ a flaming argument / temper

Word/ dreadful
Context/ Edmund felt sure that she was going to do something dreadful but he seemed unable to move.
Definition/ used to emphasize how bad something is
Example/ She's making a dreadful mess of things.

Word/ sledge
Context/ Come and sit with me here on the sledge and I will put my mantle round you and we will talk.
Definition/A vehicle for travelling over snow and ice,with long narrow strips of wood or metal instead of wheels. Larger sledges are pulled by horses or dogs and smaller ones are used for going down hills as a sport or for pleasure.



Word/ parcel
Context/ Faun was so busy picking up its parcels that at first it did not reply.
Definition / something that is wrapped in paper or put into a thick envelope so that it can be sent
by mail,carried easily ,or given as a present
Example/ There's a parcel and some letters for you.

Word/ Bow
Context/ It made her a little bow.
Definition/to move your head forwards and downwards
Example/ He bowed low to the assembled crowd.

Context/ I don't want to be inquisitive.
Definition/ asking too many questions and trying to find out about what other peole are doing
Example/ Dont't be so inquisitive . It's none of your business.

Word/ puzzled
Context/ Lusy still a little puzzled.
Definition/ unable to understand sth or the reason for sth
Example/ He looked puzzled so I repeated the question.

Word/ delighted
Context/ I am delighted.
Definition/ very pleased
Example/ A delighted smile

Word/ melancholy
Context/Mr Tumnus in rather melancholy voice.
Definition/very sad or making you feel sadness
Example/ The melancholy song died away.

Word/ reign
Context/ Daughter of Eve from the far land of Spare Oom where eternal summer reigns around
the bright city of War Drobr.
Definition/ to be the best or most important in a particular situation or area of skill
Example/ In the field of classical music, he still reigns supreme.

Word/ roaring
Context/ there'll be a roaring fire
Definition/ (of a fire) burning with a lot of flames and heat

Context/ Mr Tumnus turned suddenly aside as if he were going to walk straight into an
usually large rock
Definition/ to be used later
Example/We set aside some money for repairs.