

When the Dwarf had gone to get the sledge ready he expected that the Witch would start being nice to him, as she had been at their last meeting.

Word / sledge
Definition / a vehicle for travelling over snow and ice, with long narrow strips of wood or matal
instead of wheels. Larger sledge are pulled by horses or dogs and smaller ones are
used for going down hills as a sport or for pleasure.

When at last Edmund plucked up his courage to say

Word / pluck up (the) courage
Definition / to make yourself do something even though you are afraid to do it
Example / I finally plucked up the courage to ask her for a date.
"And yet it will not do to have the brat fainting on the way," and once more clapped her hands.
Another dwarf appeared.

Word / brat
Definition / a person, especially a child, who behaves badly
Example / a spoilt brat

Word / faint
Definition/ very small; possible but unlikely
Example / There is still a faint hope that she may be cured.

Word / dwarf
Definition / (in stories) a creature like a small man, who has magic powers and who is usually
described as living and working under the ground, especially working with metal.
The dwarf went away and plesently returned bringing an iron bowl with some water in it and
an iron plate with a hunk of dry bread on it.

Word / presently
Definition / at the time you are speaking or writing; now
Example / The crime is presently being investigated be the police.

Word / hunk
Definition / a large piece of something, especially food, that has been cut or broken from a larger
Example/ a hunk of bread/ cheese/ meat

I had read about 665 words in this time.



It was then that he began very quietly to edge himself under the curtain which hung over the door.

Word / Edge
Definition / the point at which something , especially something bad, may begin to happen
Example / They had brought the country to the edge of disaster.

Just as Mr Beaver had been repeating the rhyme about Adam's flesh and Adam's bone Edmund
had been very quietly turning the door- handle.

Word / rhyme
Definition / a word that has the same sound or ends with the same sound as another word
Example / Can you think of a rhyme for " beauty" ?

She was jolly nice to me, anyway, much nicer than they are.

Word / jolly
Definition / happy and cheerful
Example / a jolly crowd/ face/ mood
The next thing he realized was that the daylight was almost gone, for it had been nearly three o'clock when they sat down to dinner and the winter days were short. He hadn't reckoned on this;

Word / daylight
Definition / the light that comes from the sun during the day
Example / They emerged from the church into the bright daylight.

Word / reckon
Definition / ( not used in the progressive tenses) to be generally considered to be something
Example / Children are reckoned to be more sophisticated nowadays.
Luckily it wasn't so slippery since the snow had fallen

Word / slippery
Definition / difficult to hold or to stand or move on, because it is smooth, wet or polished
Example / slippery like a fish
It was growing darker every minute and what with that and the snowflakes swirling all round him he could hardly see three feet ahead.

Word / snowflake
Definition / a small soft piece of frozen water that falls from the sky as snow

Word / swirling
Definition / to move around quickly in a circle; to make something do this
Example / The water swirled down the drain.

I had read about 2516 words in this time.


NARNIA ---Fall semester--

I will explain about "NARNIA" continuously. Because I haven't read of it yet.

Mr Beaver had begun telling them that the White Witch wasn't really human at all but half a Jinn and half a giantess,Edmund had got outside into the snow and cautiously closed the door behind him.

Word / giantess
Definition / 大女 ( I'm sorry I couldn't find this meaning in English in my dictionary.)

Word / cautiously
Definition / being careful about what you say or do, especially to avoid danger or mistakes;
not taking any risks
Example / She looked cautiously around and then walked away from the house.

All these people who say nasty things about her are her enemies and probably half of it isn't true.

Word / nasty
Definition / very bad or unpleasant
Example / a nasty accident, The news gave me a nasty shock.

She was jolly nice to me, anyway, much nicer than they are.

Definition / 1. happy and cheerful 2. (old-fashioned) enjoyable
Example / a jolly evening / party / time
I expect she is the rightful Queen really. Anyway, she'll be better than that awful Aslan!
At least , that was the excuse he made in his own mind for what he was doing.

Word / rightful
Definition / that is correct, right or legal
Example / The stolen car was returned to its rightful owner.

Word / awful
Definition / used to emphasize something, especially that there is a large amount or too
much of something
Example / I feel an awful lot better than I did yesterday.

Word / excuse
Definiton / to forgive somebody for something that they have done, for example not being
polite or making a small mistake
Example / You must excuse my father --he's not always that rude.

That is all today. That's total 376 words in this writing.