

Edmund plucked up his courage to say.......

Word / pluck up
Definition / to make yourself do something even though you are afraid to do it
Example / I finally plucked up the courage to ask her for a date.
He grinned in a repulsive manner as he set them down on the floor beside Edmund and said

Word/ grin
Definition / to smile widely
Example / She grinned amiably at us.

Word / repulsive
Definition / causing a feeling of strong dislike; very unpleasant
Example / a repulsive sight, smell, habit
Take it away, said Edmund sulkily

Word / take away
Definition / to buy cooked food at a restaurant and carry it away to eat, for example at home
Example / Two burgers to take away, please

Word / sulk
Definition / to look angry and refuse to speak or smile because you want people to know that
you are upset about something
Example / He went off to sulk in his room.
He apologized and began to nibble at the bread

Word / nibble
Definition / to take small bites of something, especially food
Example / We sat drinking wine and nibbling olives
The snow was again falling as they came into the courtyard

Word / courtyard
Definition / an open space that is partly or completely surrounded by buildings and is usually
part of a castle, a large house, etc
Example / the central, inner courtyard

I had read about 600 words today.

3 件のコメント:

Jotter Scalems さんのコメント...

It's good that you keep reading! :)

One more thing:
to pluck = to pick up something quickly
'to pluck up one's courage' is an expression:
So you pick up your 自信/勇気, because you want to use it.
In English there are a lot of expressions where you have to visualize things:
If you lose something, it falls on the ground, so you have to pick it up or find it:
-to lose faith><(re)gain faith
-to lose courage>< to find courage (in)
-to lose confidence>< to gain confidence

If you read this, it may be easier to understand, why you say: to pick up/pluck up courage. (you lost your courage and it fell on the ground. Now you have to pick it up in order to use it.)

Other examples where it is easy to visualize things.
something together is strong, something apart is weak.
for example:
-pull yourself together
-gather courage
-to be heart broken
-concentrate (your mind on something)
-to fall apart (emotionally)
-to gather strength

High is good, low is bad:
-reach for the skies= try to reach the best
-a sinking feeling= an unhappy feeling because of something unpleasant

Tomomi Pe Onitsuka さんのコメント...

Thanks for your comment!
Talk to you on skype or chat or something again ! :)

Kirk Masden さんのコメント...

I really agree that visualizing things that your read is important. Thanks Jotter!