

" Look! There's a kingfisher" , or " Just listen to that thrush! " They walked on in silence drinking it all in, passing through patches of warm sunlight into cool, green thickets and out again
into wide mossy glades where tall elms raised the leafy roof far overhead, and then into dense masses of flowering currant and among hawthorn bushes where the sweet smell was almost overpowering.

Word/ kingfisher
Definition/ a bird with a long beak, that catches fish in rivers. The European kingfisher is small
and brightly coloured and the American kingfisher is larger and blue-grey in colour.
Word/ thrush
Definition/ a bird with a brown back and brown spots on its chest
Example/ a song thrush
Word/ patch
Definition/ a small area of something, especially one which is different from the area around it
Example/ a black dog with a white patch on its back
Word/ thicket
Definition/ a group of bushes or small trees growing closely together
Word/ mossy
Definition/ covered with moss
Word/ elm
Definition/ a tall tree with broad leaves
Example/ a line of stately elms
Word/ leafy
Definition/ having a lot of leaves
Example/ Eat plenty of leafy green vegetables.
Word/ overhead
Definition/ above your head; in the sky
Example/ Planes flew overhead constantly.
Word/ dense
Definition/constaining a lot of people, things, plates, etc. with little space between them
Example/ a dense crowd
Word/ currant
Definition/ a small dried grape, used in cakes, etc.
Example/ a currant bun
Word/ hawthorn
Definition/ a bush or small tree with thorns, white or pink flowers and small dark red berries
Word/ overpower
Definition/ to defeat or gain control over somebody completely by using greater strength
Example/ Police finally managed to overpower the gunman.

I had read about 123b words today.

1 件のコメント:

Kirk Masden さんのコメント...

Just 123? Or, 1230?