
The magic finger

I forgot to bring " Narnia" today, so I use this " The magic finger" instead of Narnia.

This made me so cross that I started shouting at them/
Word/ cross
Definition/ a long vertical piece of wood with a shorter piece across it near the top.
In the past people were hung on crosses and left to die as a punishment.

They were long black whiskers, just like the ones you see on a cat, only much bigger.

Word/ whisker
Definition/ any of the long stiff hairs that grow near the mouth of a cat, mouse, etc.
It was a huge bushy tail!

Word/ bushy
Definition/ ( of hair or fur) growing thickly
Example/ a bushy beard/tail
Then the tip of the forefinger of my right hand begins to tingle most terribly.

Word/ forefinger
Definition/ the finger next to the thumb

Word/ tingle
Definition/ a slight stinging or uncomfortable feeling in a part of your body
He gave a yell and jumped out of bed.

Word/ yell
Definition/ a loud cry of pain, excitement, etc.
Example/ to let out, give a yell
"Mama! Mama! Mama!" chirruped Philip.

Word/ chirp
Definition/ ( of small birds and some insects) to make short high sounds
The ducks looked up and quacked.

Word/ quack
Definition/ the sound that a duck makes

I had read about 9450 words today. I think this book is more interesting than Narnia.
It's worth to read and is good for study English.



The sky in the east was whitish by now and the stars were getting fainter.

Word/ whitish
Definition/ fairly white in colour
Example/ a bird with a whitish throat

Word/ faint
Definition/ that cannot be clearly seen, heard or smelt
Example/ We could hear their voices growing fainter as they walked down the road.
The mice crept away again.

Word/ mice
Definition/ mouse
The girls cleared away the remains of the gnawed ropes.

Word/ gnaw
Definition/ to keep biting something or chewing it hard, so that it gradually disappears
Example/ The dog was gnawing a bone.
" Oh, it's too bad," sobbed Lucy

Word/ sob
Definition/ to cry noisily, taking sudden, sharp breaths
Example/ I heard a child sobbing loudly.
" You're not- not a -? " asked Susan in a shaky voice.

Word/ shaky
Definition/ shaking and feeling weak because you are ill/ sick, emotional or old
Example/ Her voice sounded shaky on the phone.
Aslan stooped his golden head and licked her forehead. The warmth of his breath and a rich
sort of smell that seemed to hang about his hair came all over her.

Word/ lick
Definition/ to move your tongue over the surface of something in order to eat it, make it wet
or clean it
Example/ He licked his fingers.

Word/ forehead
Definition/ the part of the face above the eyes and below the hair

Word/ warmth
Definition/ the state or quality of being warm, rather than hot or cold
Example/ She felt the warmth of his arms around her.
I had read about 900 words in this time.



The witch at last halted in a dark valley all overshadowed with fir trees and yew trees.

Word/ halt
Definition/ to stop; to make somebody or something stop
Example/ She walked towards him and then halted.

Word/ overshadow
Definition/ to make somebody or something seem less important, or successful
Example/ He had always been overshadowed by his elder sister.

Word/ yew
Definition/ a small tree with dark green leaves and small red berries

"Four thrones in Cair Paravel, " said the Witch. " How if only three were filled? " That would not fulfil the prophecy."

Word/ throne
Definition/ a special chair used by a king or queen to sit on at ceremonies

Word/ prophecy
Definition/ a statement that something will happen in the future, especially one made by
somebody with religious or magic powers
Example/ to fulfil a prophecy

Word/ fulfil
Definition/ to do or achieve what was hoped for or expected
Example/ to fulfil your dream or ambition or potential
" For bargaining with." " Yes! And have him rescued, " said the Witch scornfully.

Word/ bargain
Definition/ an agreement between two or more people or groups, to do something for each other
Example/ He and his partner had made a bargain to tell each other everything.

Word/ scornfully
Definition/ showing or feeling scorn
Example/ She laughed scornfully.

Word/ scorn
Definition/ to feel or show that you think somebody or something is stupid and you do not respect them or it
Example/ She scorned their views as old- fashioned.
At that moment with a rush and a snarl a Wolf rushed up to them.

Word/ snarl
Definition/ to show the teeth and make a deep angry noise in the throat
Example/ The dog snarled at us.

Have I not still my wand?

Word/ wand
Definition/ a straight thin stick that is held by somebody when performing magic or magic tricks
Example/ The fairy waved her wand and the table disappeared.
He saw the Witch take off her outer mantle.

Word/ outer
Definition/ on the outside of something
Example/ the outer layers of the skin

Word/ mantle
Definition/ a loose piece of clothing without sleeves, worn over other clothes, especially in the past

Her arms were bare underneath it and terribly white.

Word/ bare
Definition/ not covered by any clothes
Example/ She likes to walk around in bare feet.

Word/ underneath
Definition/ under or below something else, especially when it is hidden or covered by the thing on top
Example/ The coin rolled underneath the piano.

I had read about 200 words in this time.



Two girls still crouched in the bushes with their hands over their faces, they heard the voice of the Witch calling out.

Word/ crouch
Definition/ to put your body close to the ground by bending your legs under you
Example/ He crouched down beside her.
It will not take us long to crush the human vermin and the traitors now that the great Fool, the great Cat, lies dead.

Word/ crush
Definition/ to press or squeeze something so hard that it is damaged or injured, or loses its shape
Example/ The car was completely crushed under the truck.

Word/ vermin
Definition/ wild animals or birds that destroy plants or food, or attack farm animals and birds.
Example/ On farms the fox is considered vermin and treated as such.

Word/ traitor
Definition/ a person who gives away secrets about their friends, their country, etc.
Example / He was seen as a traitor to the socialist cause.

Word/ fool
Definition/ a person who you think behaves or speaks in a way that lacks intelligence or good judgement
Example/ I felt a fool when I realized my mistake.
For with wild cries and a noise of skirling pipes and shrill horns blowing, the whole of that vile rabble came sweeping off the hilltop and down the slope right past their hiding- place.

Word/ shrill
Definition/ ( of sounds or voice) very high and loud, in an unpleasant way
Example/ a shrill voice

Word/ horn
Definition/ a hard pointed part that grows, usually in pairs, on the heads of some animals, such as sheep and cows. Horns are often curved.

I had read about 180 words today.



" Look! There's a kingfisher" , or " Just listen to that thrush! " They walked on in silence drinking it all in, passing through patches of warm sunlight into cool, green thickets and out again
into wide mossy glades where tall elms raised the leafy roof far overhead, and then into dense masses of flowering currant and among hawthorn bushes where the sweet smell was almost overpowering.

Word/ kingfisher
Definition/ a bird with a long beak, that catches fish in rivers. The European kingfisher is small
and brightly coloured and the American kingfisher is larger and blue-grey in colour.
Word/ thrush
Definition/ a bird with a brown back and brown spots on its chest
Example/ a song thrush
Word/ patch
Definition/ a small area of something, especially one which is different from the area around it
Example/ a black dog with a white patch on its back
Word/ thicket
Definition/ a group of bushes or small trees growing closely together
Word/ mossy
Definition/ covered with moss
Word/ elm
Definition/ a tall tree with broad leaves
Example/ a line of stately elms
Word/ leafy
Definition/ having a lot of leaves
Example/ Eat plenty of leafy green vegetables.
Word/ overhead
Definition/ above your head; in the sky
Example/ Planes flew overhead constantly.
Word/ dense
Definition/constaining a lot of people, things, plates, etc. with little space between them
Example/ a dense crowd
Word/ currant
Definition/ a small dried grape, used in cakes, etc.
Example/ a currant bun
Word/ hawthorn
Definition/ a bush or small tree with thorns, white or pink flowers and small dark red berries
Word/ overpower
Definition/ to defeat or gain control over somebody completely by using greater strength
Example/ Police finally managed to overpower the gunman.

I had read about 123b words today.



It was then that he began very quietly to edge himself under the curtain which hung over the door.

Word/ edge
Definition/ the outside limit of an object, a surface or an area; the part furthest from the centre
Example/ He stood on the edge of the cliff.
Just as Mr Beaver had been repeating the rhyme about Adam's flesh and Adam's bone Edmund
had been very quietly turning the door-handle

Word/ rhyme
Definition/ a word that has the same sound or ends with the same sound as another word
Example/ Can you think of a rhyme for "beauty"?
She was jolly nice to me, anyway, much nicer than they are.

Word/ jolly
Definition/ happy and cheerful
Example/ a jolly crowd/face/ mood
I expect she is the rightful Queen really.

Word/ rightful
Definition/ that is correct, right or legal
Example/ The stolen car was returned to its rightful owner.
However for deep down inside him he really knew that the WhiteWitch was bad and cruel.

Word/ deep down
Definition/ If you know something deep down, you know your true feelings about something,
although you may not admit them to yourself
Example/ Deep down I still loved him.

Word/ Cruel
Definition/ Having a desire to cause pain and suffering
Example/ I can't stand people who are cruel to animals.

I had read about 1400 words today.



I will read the sequel to a story last time.

Take with you the swiftest of your wolves and go at once to the house of the Beavers.

Word/ swift
Definition/ happening or done quickly and immediately; doing something quickly
Example/ swift action, a swift decision

Word / wolve
Definition / pl. of wolf
It would have been a dreadful thing for the Beavers and the children if the night had remined fine, for the wolves would then have been able to follow their trail.

Word/ dreadful
Definition/ very bad or unpleasant
Example/ It's dreadful the way they treat their staff.

Word/ trail
Definition/ a long line or series of marks that is left by somebody/ something
Example / The hurricane left a trail of destruction behind it.
But now that the snow had begun again the scent was cold and even the footprints were covered up.

Word/ scent
Definition/ the pleasant smell that something has
Example/ The air was filled with the scent of wild flowers.

Word/ footprint
Definition/ a mark left on a surface by a person's foot or shoe or by an animal's foot
Example/ muddy footprints on the kitchen floor
Meanwhile the dwarf whipped up the reindeer, and the Witch and Edmund drove out under the
archway and on and away into the darkness and the cold.

Word/ dwarf
Definition/ (in stories) a creature like a small man, who has magic powers and who is usually
described as living and working under the ground, especially working with metal.

Word/ archway
Definition/ a passage or an entrance with an arch way over it
Example/ We went through a stone archway into the courtyard.

I had read about 870 words today.