I forgot to bring " Narnia" today, so I use this " The magic finger" instead of Narnia.
This made me so cross that I started shouting at them/
Word/ cross
Definition/ a long vertical piece of wood with a shorter piece across it near the top.
In the past people were hung on crosses and left to die as a punishment.
They were long black whiskers, just like the ones you see on a cat, only much bigger.
Word/ whisker
Definition/ any of the long stiff hairs that grow near the mouth of a cat, mouse, etc.
It was a huge bushy tail!
Word/ bushy
Definition/ ( of hair or fur) growing thickly
Example/ a bushy beard/tail
Then the tip of the forefinger of my right hand begins to tingle most terribly.
Word/ forefinger
Definition/ the finger next to the thumb
Word/ tingle
Definition/ a slight stinging or uncomfortable feeling in a part of your body
He gave a yell and jumped out of bed.
Word/ yell
Definition/ a loud cry of pain, excitement, etc.
Example/ to let out, give a yell
"Mama! Mama! Mama!" chirruped Philip.
Word/ chirp
Definition/ ( of small birds and some insects) to make short high sounds
The ducks looked up and quacked.
Word/ quack
Definition/ the sound that a duck makes
I had read about 9450 words today. I think this book is more interesting than Narnia.
It's worth to read and is good for study English.